About MeValentina Castro


As a Mexican, my millenary culture (colors, textures, flavors, landscapes, etc.) has been a significant influence in my life. Though, in 2010 my family and I moved to Houston, Texas; I could not deny my roots! After ten years of living in the US, we moved back to Mexico City: Our hometown.

In 2016 I began an amazing adventure through an online program called IGNITE where I had the opportunity to dig deep inside my mind and soul. It was such a blessing to find this program at this point of my life, that help me both in a personal healing process and my professional field as well.

I have a professional experience of 20 years, both in Mexico and in the US. I have created and facilitated art therapy workshops focused on the self-discovery of the participants. I am the author of the book: “Reconnecting to Self-Healing, the art of advocating for yourself”. In this book, I lay out guidelines for finding the power of self-healing, which has also given me an opportunity to share a personal experience as a guide for the reader. This book also includes the use of art and its healing power.

In the first stage of my professional life, I did a degree in industrial design at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). I have a master's degree in Textile Design from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Following my passion for study and the humanities and art, I decided to turn my professional life around and began to direct my path towards psychology, art, and spirituality. Then I obtained a master's degree in Education and Thinking in Childhood from the Institute of Neurosciences and Mental Health of Barcelona (INSMB). At the same institute, I completed a postgraduate degree in Clinical Psychopedagogy and a specialty in Neuropsychology.
I have an Art Therapy and Development of Being Training at the Balearic Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology, and a postgraduate degree in Counseling and Emotional Regulation through Art Therapy from the Mexican Art Therapy Workshop, AC, and the Autonomous University of Madrid.
I have taken different courses and certifications throughout my academic training:

  • “Art for professional Processing”. Northwestern University School (Continuing Education). Chicago, Ill., USA
  • "Understanding and working with images". Northwestern University School (Continuing Education). Chicago, Ill., USA
  • Mandalas: sacred geometry,” given by Verónica de la Paz, renowned Mexican artist
  • Basic Certification Course for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) and the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • Basic Biofeedback Course with EDUCTOR System (SCIO)
  • Certification as Thetahealer in Thetahealing Institute of Knowledge®
  • Diploma in Thanatology from the Instituto Mexicano de Thanatología, A. C.
  • Certification as a Soulcollage® facilitator
  • Among others.
(+52) 1 55 3118 7996