For some reason, I have been fascinated by labyrinths since I was a child. I remember that I drew them on a sheet of paper in that childish imagination and moved my finger over them. Sometimes I made them with my comics or toys; I went through them again and again. I could see several movies where mazes appeared: "The Shining" (1980), "Pan's Labyrinth" (1998), "Inception" (2010), "Maze Runner" (2014), among others.

Until 2016, living in the United States, life led me to encounter the labyrinths once again. And my fascination and relationship with them made even more sense. For this reason, that same year, I did a more conscious investigation of the labyrinth's meaning and origin; that's why I designed this workshop.

I understood that by going through them, one has the opportunity to go inside oneself. The labyrinth is an ancient pattern present in many cultures around the world. Many of these patterns are based on spirals and circles that reflect nature.


To take a meditative journey that invites to silence the mind, find balance, achieve introspection, reduce stress, and, in some cases, find answers to questions in moments of doubt. In some way, it is possible to integrate the mind, body, and spirit. It is an opportunity to connect with what we recognize as the divine within each of us.

  • Notes: No previous experience or relationship with the labyrinths is required. It only requires an open mind and heart.
  • Group: Adults
  • Schedule: A single session of 2 hours.
  • Format: Virtual (zoom) and face-to-face.
  • Start Date: Several scheduled dates throughout the year
  • Capacity:
    • Virtual: Minimum 5 participants, maximum 15.
    • In-person: Minimum 5 participants, maximum 8.
  • Supplies:
    • Virtual: Printing of a labyrinth on paper that is previously sent to each participant by email, journal, pen/pencil. The participant must provide them.
    • In-person: Journal, pen/pencil. The participant must provide them.
  • Dynamic: After introducing the history of the labyrinths, we will begin the tour individually and in silence.
  • Investment: $800.00
(+52) 1 55 3118 7996