WELCOMEHello! Welcome to this space

14 de December de 2020by valcasi0

Being my first blog, I want to tell you how the idea for this website was born. After many years of professional experience and academic learning, I felt that I had everything to assist my patients. I have had many satisfactions accompanying my patients as an art therapist . However, there was a twist in my personal life that made me question myself and face a challenge that I thought would not succeed.

In August 2015, I received news that was a watershed in my life: Lung Cancer (Stage 4). The first month I was basically in panic and a “fight-flight” state (survival mode). My body, my mind, and my spirit were in absolute chaos and discord. Fortunately, I reached a point where I managed to center myself (if you could say), made a pause, and intuitively I began to take charge of my life, which helped me recover my peace and health.

Now it might sound like something straightforward, but it wasn't. However, I managed to hear that inner voice that guided me to made use of my innate resources little by little. In other words, the human potential that we all have. Many things happened along this road: it was a path of ups and downs, with curves and straights. It has required patience, tolerance, self-love and with the circumstances of a diagnosis of such magnitude.

This path to healing has a parallel track: the path within me. On this journey, I have had the opportunity to discover myself, to face my potentials and my ghosts. Sometimes the pace has been slow, and other times everything has happened in the blink of an eye. I have understood relativity in almost everything, but at the same time, the absolute of everything.

This web page was born as an invitation of personal growth and as a window of opportunity that anyone who wants to venture into their personal development can lookout.

Here you will find:

  • The healing power of art through Art therapy
  • A series of workshops designed to explore your inner world and to understand the interaction with your external world: "My history through art," "Day of the Dead," "Labyrinths", among others.
  • Thetahealing®: meditation method to heal, unlock, change, or erase belief systems that are already obsolete; and replace them with useful systems for you.
  • SoulCollage®: A transformative method in which intuition and creativity lead you to a deep understanding of your inner world.
  • Retreat: You may allow yourself to forget about the routine for three days and give yourself the space to dedicate it to yourself. You may also get along with people who are in the process of self-discovery like yours, and where respect and empathy are essential ingredients.
  • You will also find an art gallery, where you can buy artwork created by me, if you wish so.

This website offers a safe space for you to walk your way (whatever your life process you are in) and provides support in searching for your potentials. And why would you have to venture to know your potentials? The more you know yourself, the more confidence you have in yourself, and this in turn, gives you the security of living your life being the best version of yourself.

You can contact me if you are curious to know more about your potentials and how to discover them.



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